Illegal Abortion: Martha

The official number of women who have died from illegal abortions in the United States is 2,700. Many more have gone unreported through family efforts to hide the truth. This was the reality for women in this country before the Supreme Court Ruling in 1973, which provided women with access to safe, legal abortions. Listen now. 

To Martha, your bravery and courage to share your story is beyond words. You survived to tell your story and we think you are a class A badass!

But the war on women’s rights rages on! Martha's story is not nearly as traumatic as that of some women who underwent illegal abortions. But we believe listening to her survival story will give you pause.


Martha’s blog 

The Daily: The Future of America’s Abortion Fight 

The Daily: A Post-Roe America--Anti-Abortion Advocates

The Texas Abortion Ban Handed Abusers a Whole New Tool to Control Their Victims With 

Sister Mary Traupen’s letter to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

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