Child Sex Abuse: 5 Girl Cousins

This survivor story from one of our listeners demonstrates the importance of believing children when they tell you they are being abused and contacting the proper authorities as soon as possible. 

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Some people believe family values were much more intact in 1950s America than today. Sorry, but... wrong! The truth is, all families throughout history have had skeletons in closets and bad apples in the mix. Thankfully, priorities have finally started shifting as parents realize that it's much more important to protect their children than to hide dirty family secrets. 

The story of these five girl cousins who experienced sexual abuse at the hands of the same perpetrator while many of the adults around them pretended it wasn't happening shows the danger of failing to face hard truths. Take action!  Perpetrators won't stop on their own and ignoring it won't make it go away. 

Read the history of child sex abuse in America.

Sex offenders repeat crimes

National Sexual Assault Hotline (RAINN)
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